my bad day sundae

mainpictureI know ice-cream is supposed to be hot-weather food, and that the weather is presently the opposite of hot. But yesterday was a Monday. And I got a case of the Mondays something fierce. And when I get a case of the Mondays, there are only two options. Either I lay pathetically on the floor, waiting for someone to scrape me up with a butterknife, or I fix it. In the only way I know how. And that way involves food.

On this particular Monday, fixing it meant high-tailing it down to the shops on the way home from work, grabbing essentials - 1 x Toblerone, 1 x packet of white chocolate & macadamia cookies & 1 x Sara lee French Vanilla ice-cream. Fixing it meant staring morosely out the window of the bus whilst it trudged, bumbled and slid down the roads to where I live. Fixing it meant throwing said essentials together, along with a couple of basics, and making a bad day sundae.

the loot (sans booze, i already had that)

bad day sundae

ingredients for the ice-cream

500ml vanilla ice-cream (as good as can be found at 6pm on a Monday)
2tbsp cognac
2 tbsp milk
75g white chocolate & macadamia cookies

ingredients for the chocolate sauce

100g toblerone
3tbs thickened cream


1. Throw your stuff on the floor, shake the rain out of your hair and coat. Trundle towards the kitchen, essentials in hand.

1a. Ok, that first one wasn't really a step. But it will make you feel better.

ice-cream (unadulterated)

2. Grab a bowl. Biggish. Scoop the ice-cream into it with a thud. Jab it a couple of times for good measure.

3. Break the biscuits up in a separate bowl. Go on, snap 'em hard.

4. Douse biscuits liberally in the cognac & milk. Stir a little. You'll have some bits of biscuit still crunchy & some a bit soggy.

boozey bikkies

5. By now, the ice-cream should be a little melty. Think soft-serve. Mix the boozey bikkies in. Stir it good - you want a mostly even distribution.

6. Toss the lot in a container & back into the freezer.

7. Watch the Biggest Loser & feel bad about ice-cream. Groan at people who cry too much. Also those who bitch too much.

8. Eat dinner in front of SYTYCD. Feel a bit better.

9. Break the Toblerone into a small saucepan. Dollop cream in. One, two, three! (So much easier than using a measuring cup).

10. Put saucepan over a low heat and stir, stir, stir (calmly now) until you end up with a rich, gooey, chocolatey nutty nougat-ey sauce.

ice-cream in the glass

11. Rescue the ice-cream. In the glass it goes!

12. Drizzle sauce over liberally.

13. Decorate with crumbled up bikkies (you didn't eat all the spares, did you?)

14. Bad day? No longer. xx

chocolate sauced-up!

6 bites more:

Anonymous said...

I bet your bad day swiftly turned into a good day after this! I adore Toblerone, it's one of my favourite Supermarket chocolates-great idea :)

shez said...

Lorraine: it sure did! and i have leftovers for tonight. yeahyeahyeah!

Anonymous said...

Oh yummmm! Should make this a everyday sundae haha but oh dear we shouldn't ;)

Mmm I love the toblerone too ^^! Whenever I go overseas I usually get the 3 bars for $25 mmmm

shez said...

FFichiban: haha! i'm two from two so far (it'll be all gone by the end of the week at this rate)... so i'm glad i only made half a litre of it. the cognac gives me a little *ahhhhh* moment too :)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the wonderous powers of dessert to make the most of a bad day. What would a very bad day sundae consist of? More cognac?

You know the sad thing I realised when reading through this post? That I knew what the acronym SYTYCD meant (I hardly ever watch TV).


shez said...

Simon: i know right? and a very bad day? i'd skip the ice cream and go straight for the booze :)

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